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Blogs5 new results for credit card
Can I use my chip card yet? « Bankrate, Inc.
By Janna Herron
The work to bring EMV chip cards to the U.S. is largely being done behind the scenes this year.
IRS employees used government credit cards to shop for porn
Online pornography was among those inappropriate purchases, according to the records of two IRS credit cards, though the employees who had those cards said they had been stolen. "One of the workers reported five agency credit cards lost ...
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Save on Back-To-School Shopping - Credit Cards
By A. McKennit
Review last year's credit card statements and check registers. If you see areas where you overspent, it can be a big motivator in challenging yourself this year to save more by finding better bargains. Of course, the school supply costs rise as ...
Credit Cards - Personal Finance...
Revenge of the Installment Loan - AllThingsD
By Jeffrey Crowe
Surely you have heard of America's rising credit card debt — now averaging about $7,000 per household, or $800 billion nationally — but have you ever noticed that credit card rates are the only interest rates that have not declined ...
Summer Churn-i-versity Day 5: Hotel Credit Cards | Online Travel ...
We're just about there! Let's take a look at the major hotel credit card offers that are available for your churning and bonus pleasure. Club Carlson.
Online Travel Review

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